Category: Copywriting

  • No Other Advertising Claim Beats Parity Advertising

    “Comparisons are odorous.” ~ Constable Dogberry Everyone selling a product or service should be able to differentiate themselves from all of their competitors. It’s smart business. But what if you can’t? What if you’re selling some sort of commodity item? Or you’re a copywriter who’s been given an assignment for a product that’s the same…

  • Email Copywriting: PT Barnum Style!

    P.T. Barnum, the legendary showman and entrepreneur, had a profound impact on the world of entertainment and beyond. As a master of showmanship, Barnum knew how to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression. In this article, we’ll explore how his principles can be applied to email copywriting, helping you craft compelling emails that resonate…

  • NLP Techniques–Many Benefits for the Price of One

    Can’t come up with a ton of benefits for your product or service? No worries. Here’s an NLP Copywriting tip that allows your prospects to fill in the blanks: One of the things you’ll love/like/really enjoy about (YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE) is (BENEFIT). EXAMPLE: “One of the things you’ll love about Arnold’s is our large selection of…

  • Are you ready to use Double Binds in Your Marketing or Use Another Effective Persuasion Technique?

    Grabbing attention and leading the audience toward a desired action is paramount. One fascinating technique to achieve this, inspired by the legendary psychiatrist Milton H. Erickson, is the use of Double Binds in ad copy. This strategy is not just about presenting choices; it’s about crafting those choices in such a way that, regardless of…

  • How to Sell Prevention

    Standard copywriting advice you’ll get regarding selling pain is to never sell prevention; always sell a solution to an immediate problem. The reason being that people are more motivated by the pain they’re in now rather than some future possible pain. In this case, mentioning the consequences of not taking action won’t work. “What’s the…

  • Persuasive writing: Anchoring Objections to Your Competitors

    How would you like a quick and dirty way to plant objections in your prospects’ minds about your competition while at the same time you come out smelling like a rose? This language pattern can be used for any aspect of your ad, but it’s especially useful when your competition is hiding some sort of…

  • Advertising Language: Asking Why

    “Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut In NLP therapeutic interventions, it’s considered bad form to ask clients “Why” questions. The reason being that answers to these types of questions tend to validate their behavior or their responses to the troubling situation. Questions like, “Why…

  • Unlocking the Power of Presuppositions in Advertising 1: The Magic of Automation and Unconscious Influence

    The art of persuasion often operates beneath the surface, weaving subtle cues into the fabric of communication. One potent technique at the disposal of marketers is the use of language patterns that presuppose certain states or actions. Particularly, words and phrases that imply automatic or unconscious processes can significantly enhance the persuasive impact of your…

  • Break the Mold of Standard Non-Conformity

    “If you want to be one of the non-conformists, then all you have to do is dress like us and listen to the same music as we do.” ~ Goth Kid in South Park episode Raisins Highly intelligent and innovative people like you already know that prospects and customers want to belong to a special…

  • Mastering the Art of ‘Stop Commands’ in Marketing

    Grabbing and holding your customer’s attention isn’t just important—it’s critical. This is where a sharp, no-nonsense approach cuts through the fluff. What you need is a strategy that’s direct, impactful, and immediately arresting. Enter the potent world of “Stop Commands.” The Power of ‘Stop’: Not Just a Word, But a Command When you inject “STOP”…