Category: NLP Language Patterns

  • Using Suggestive Predicates in Advertising Language

    Are you wondering how this post will help you create more persuasive ads? Has it ever occurred to you that reading this blog regularly will help you communicate and persuade more effectively, not only in your marketing messages but in your life as well? It has. Good. I’m glad I can help you. The first…

  • Influential Advertising: Truisms about Sensations

    I’m going to show you a powerful way to link emotions to outcomes so you can achieve your outcomes with the people you deal with. It’s a sort of elegant way of pacing and leading with your words. You can take certain–usually positive–universal emotional states and link them to what you want your readers/listeners to…

  • Awareness Patterns in NLP: How to Use Them for Powerful Communication

      Awareness patterns are a subtle yet highly effective NLP technique designed to gently lead your audience into a state of heightened awareness, often without them realizing it. By directing their attention in specific ways, you can guide them to consider ideas, perspectives, or actions that they might not have thought of on their own….

  • Positive Psychology: Building Excitement and Expectations: A Key to Captivating Your Audience

    One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is the ability to build excitement and expectations. This pattern can significantly increase your audience’s engagement and drive them to take action. Today, we’re going to explore how to make statements that create anticipation and excitement, making your copy more compelling and persuasive. Understanding the Pattern…

  • How to write an Elevator Pitch using NLP Language Patterns

    What do you do when someone asks you what you do for a living? Do you—like most people—just tell them your job title or what you sell? I used to do this. Years ago, when I was taking my Master Practitioner’s course in Colorado, fellow course participants asked me what I did. I just said,…

  • Sales Technique – Wrapping a Sales Message Up

    One nice way of finishing your sales letter or website copy is to offer readers a choice. Either they can continue with their old, unpleasant way of doing things, go with your competitors and suffer the consequences; OR they can achieve the results they want by buying your product or service. The beauty of this…

  • Persuasive Writing – All Rich Copywriters Do This…

    We all want to belong. It’s especially thrilling if we belong to an exclusive group, a group where outsiders aren’t welcome. Your job as a copywriter or marketer is to make prospects and customers feel they will be part of a special group – if they buy your products or services. You have to convince…

  • Persuasive Writing: Why You Must Chain Modal Operators

    If you are selling any sort of do-it-yourself item (info products, kits, home repair, etc.), you have to stress how your product is easy to use. Any doubt on the mind of your prospect (“This sounds difficult,” “I can’t do that,” “That’s easy for people with talent,” etc.) and you’ll lose the sale. Obviously, just…

  • Hypnotic Language Patterns in Advertising: Utilizing Truisms About Sensations and Time

    As a copywriter, leveraging language to subtly influence behavior and decision-making is both an art and a science. Among the many techniques employed, hypnotic language patterns stand out for their ability to bypass skepticism and foster acceptance in the mind of the listener or reader. Truisms about sensations and time are particularly potent, as they…

  • You Will Be Able to Future Pace the Possible After Reading This…

    Here’s a great way you can create a compelling future for your clients, and it can be done with just one sentence. It’s best to use this NLP Language Pattern as a headline or subhead. This very easy and very effective pattern goes like this: Modal Operator of Possibility + Desirable Benefit (your prospects’ goals)…