Category: NLP Modeling Excellence

  • Narrative Therapy for Copywriters…How to Reshape Your Customer’s Story for Maximum Persuasion

    Great copywriting is about rewriting your audience’s reality. And one of the most powerful ways to do that comes from an unexpected source: Narrative Therapy. Developed by Michael White and David Epston, narrative therapy helps people reshape the stories they tell themselves. As a copywriter, you can use these same techniques to influence how customers…

  • The Art of Paltering: Political Persuasion in Your Copywriting

    In marketing and sales, the ability to persuade is both an art and a science. One technique that has gained attention in recent years is paltering—the strategic use of true statements to mislead or manipulate an audience. While the term might sound dubious, paltering can be a powerful tool when used responsibly. This article will…

  • Uncork the Big Idea: A No-Nonsense Guide for Copywriters

      Alright, let’s cut to the chase. You’re staring at a blank page, fingers hovering over the keyboard, waiting for that lightning bolt of brilliance to strike. You need the Big Idea—the kind that grabs your reader by the collar and doesn’t let go. But instead, you’re stuck, spinning your wheels in a mud pit…

  • Make Your Claims More Acceptable by Quoting “Experts”

      We take the very best of what people do, synthesize it down, make it learnable and share it with each other – and that is what the real future of what NLP will be and it’s gonna stay that way!” – Richard Bandler You know what you can do to make prospects believe your…

  • How to Model the Top Direct Response Copywriters

    Alright, buckle up. We’re about to dive into the gritty, no-nonsense world of direct response copywriting. I’m talking about the kind of copy that doesn’t just sit pretty on a page but grabs your reader by the collar and makes them take action. The kind of copy that rakes in sales and leaves your competitors…

  • What Harry Houdini Can Teach You About Promotion

    As a copywriter, there’s a lot we can learn from Houdini’s promotional prowess. Here’s how you can incorporate his tactics into your own promotional strategies. Create a Persona Houdini understood the power of a compelling persona. He wasn’t just a magician; he was “The Handcuff King,” a master of escapes. This persona was larger than…

  • E-Prime is Good: How to Make Your Copywriting Strong

    If you’ve studied the “rules” of writing tight ad copy, you have undoubtedly run across this rule: “Don’t use the passive voice. Use the active voice instead.” In other words, you would change a sentence like this: “The copy was written by me.” (PASSIVE VOICE) TO “I wrote the copy.” (ACTIVE VOICE) Doing this gives…

  • Crafting Desire Through Creation Stories

    We often find ourselves ensnared in the allure of end results, the gleaming finish of the product ready for the consumer’s grasp.  However, I urge you to consider the profound impact of unveiling the process behind the creation of a product. This narrative is not merely a tale of inception to completion; it is a…

  • How to Write Food Descriptions (Part 1)

    Let’s talk about food. Not just the sustenance, but the lifeblood of our existence, the heartbeat of our culture, the unspoken language that binds us. Writing about food is like painting with words, a delicate balance between poetry and precision. You have to make readers taste the food, smell it, feel the textures, and see…

  • Email Copywriting: PT Barnum Style!

    P.T. Barnum, the legendary showman and entrepreneur, had a profound impact on the world of entertainment and beyond. As a master of showmanship, Barnum knew how to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression. In this article, we’ll explore how his principles can be applied to email copywriting, helping you craft compelling emails that resonate…