Category: NLP Techniques
“How to Be the One in 1,000 Who Stands Out”
Certain people get special treatment, better opportunities, and easier wins. They walk into a room, and things just work out for them. What if you could be one of them? The phrase “How to be the one person in 1,000 who can [X].” taps into something deep in the human mind: the need to feel…
How to Convince Your Boss (and Coworkers) Meetings Are a Waste of Time Using NLP Techniques (Part One)
Meetings are often seen as a productivity black hole, sucking up valuable time without delivering tangible results. If you’re frustrated by endless meetings and want to convince your boss and coworkers that they could be spending their time more effectively, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) can provide powerful tools to help you. Here’s a step-by-step guide to…
NLP Technique: Covertly Creating Desire
I’d like to show you a powerful language pattern that combines a Modal Operator of Possibility with a presupposition that creates in the recipient, as Dale Cargnegie would say… “an eager want…” This pattern is especially useful if you are in sales and copywriting as you are usually offering your prospects and customers a big…
The Ultimate Persuasion Tool: How You Can Unlock the Power of This NLP Language Pattern Today
I couldn’t believe the power of this NLP language pattern when I first learned it. Neither will you. Recently, I received an email from Janet, a copywriter friend also based in New York City. She told me she discovered a language pattern that would be perfect for persuasive speech topics, as well as many…
Make Your Claims More Acceptable by Quoting “Experts”
We take the very best of what people do, synthesize it down, make it learnable and share it with each other – and that is what the real future of what NLP will be and it’s gonna stay that way!” – Richard Bandler You know what you can do to make prospects believe your…
How to Model the Top Direct Response Copywriters
Alright, buckle up. We’re about to dive into the gritty, no-nonsense world of direct response copywriting. I’m talking about the kind of copy that doesn’t just sit pretty on a page but grabs your reader by the collar and makes them take action. The kind of copy that rakes in sales and leaves your competitors…
Transform Your Life in Just a Few Weeks: The Power of Temporal Language Patterns in Persuasive Copy
Imagine a world where your life is radically different just a few weeks from now. Your business is thriving, your goals are within reach, and you feel a deep sense of satisfaction. This isn’t just a fantasy—it’s a reality that can be within your grasp when you make the right decisions today. This is the…
The Hypnotic Power of Storytelling: How to Make Your Ad Copy More Engaging
In the dark alleys of the mind, stories weave their spells, binding the listener in a trance of anticipation and desire. The words, like a syringe to the vein, deliver their potent cocktail straight to the heart, bypassing the rational mind. This is the essence of storytelling in ad copy—an alchemical fusion of words and…
How to Write a Speech That’s Incredibly Compelling Using Nested Loops
Whether it’s a best man speech, a graduation speech, or a business presentation, you’re probably going to have to give at least one speech in your life. Here’s a way to make it very persuasive: Who is your audience? What is the main idea you want them to walk away with? What state(s) do you…