Category: Sales Techniques

  • The Art of Subtlety or…How to Use Suggestion and Implication to Make Your Ad Copy More Effective

    The power of suggestion and implication can transform straightforward copywriting into a compelling sales pitch that subtly influences the audience. Mastering these techniques allows copywriters to weave psychological triggers throughout their message, engaging prospects on a deeper, almost subconscious level. Here, we look into how to effectively employ suggestion and implication to enhance your ad…

  • Create a Sense of Belonging – Make Your Audience Feel Like They’re Part of a Community

    But how do we tap into this deep-seated need? How do we create a sense of belonging that resonates with our audience, making them feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves? The answer lies in understanding the psychology of belonging. You see, when we feel like we belong, our brains release a cocktail…

  • Ad Copywriting: Expert Rub Off

      How would you like instant credibility? How would you like to take your learnings and have the people who taught you these learnings endorse you, even if you’ve never met them. . . even if they’re no longer with us? It all works with a simple language pattern and the meme that comes attached…

  • Transform Product Features into Compelling “Triple” Benefits: A Guide for Copywriters to Power Up Their Skills

    As a copywriter, your ability to convert the features of a product into appealing benefits can significantly influence the effectiveness of your content. This transformation is not just about listing what a product can do, but about showing your audience how it can enrich their lives. To do this effectively, you need to understand and…

  • No Other Advertising Claim Beats Parity Advertising

    “Comparisons are odorous.” ~ Constable Dogberry Everyone selling a product or service should be able to differentiate themselves from all of their competitors. It’s smart business. But what if you can’t? What if you’re selling some sort of commodity item? Or you’re a copywriter who’s been given an assignment for a product that’s the same…

  • Advertising Language: Asking Why

    “Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut In NLP therapeutic interventions, it’s considered bad form to ask clients “Why” questions. The reason being that answers to these types of questions tend to validate their behavior or their responses to the troubling situation. Questions like, “Why…

  • What Malcolm X taught me about marketing

    Malcolm X is widely known for his activism and advocacy for the civil rights of African Americans. However, his life and philosophy offer valuable lessons that extend far beyond social justice. In fact, there are many parallels between Malcolm X’s approach to activism and effective marketing strategies. At first glance, it might seem like there…

  • Neuromarketing Strategies for Real Estate Agents: Selling More by Understanding the Brain

    If you are a real estate agent, understanding your client’s deepest needs and desires can give you a significant edge in a competitive market. Neuromarketing, the application of neuroscience to marketing, offers insights into how consumers make purchasing decisions. This article explores practical neuromarketing techniques that can help real estate agents connect more effectively with…