Category: Uncategorized
Persuasive Writing: Why You Must Chain Modal Operators
If you are selling any sort of do-it-yourself item (info products, kits, home repair, etc.), you have to stress how your product is easy to use. Any doubt on the mind of your prospect (“This sounds difficult,” “I can’t do that,” “That’s easy for people with talent,” etc.) and you’ll lose the sale. Obviously, just…
NLP Copywriting Tip: Casting Doubt for Fun & Profit
All right, John Prospect is reading your ad. He’s intrigued by your sales argument. He thinks what you have might be able to help him. How do you push him over the edge and get him to buy? Doubt plays a big part in his decision making, of course. If you don’t answer his doubts,…
Unlock the Power of Hypnotic Language Patterns in Advertising
If you’ve ever wondered how some advertisements seem almost magically compelling, pulling you in and making you want to learn more, or even better, making you feel like you need that product or service right then and there, you’re about to step into a world that explains all that and more. Welcome to our first…