One of the problems with listing all the benefits of your product (which is still a very good idea by the way) and creating an ad from this list is that it creates the feeling of “this is too good to be true.” And with that thought, you might just lose the sale.
A way around that problem is to use what’s called a “Damaging Admission.” And it’s a bit of a paradox. Somewhere in your ad you simply state a minor flaw in your product or service. By doing this, you create a sense of honesty about your ad. The reader’s unconscious thought might go something like this: “Wow, they’re pointing out what’s wrong with their product. They must be trustworthy.” Just make sure when your stating a flaw not to point out any flaws in your main promise.
Here are some patterns you can use.
– “We might not…, but…”
– “If you’re (picky) about…. then…. probably isn’t for you.”
– “This isn’t…”
You’re not going to convert EVERY reader of your ad by using NLP Language Patterns for Advertising, but converting just a few more might make all the difference in your success.