As you know, a bulleted list is a great way to sell something, especially online where most people scan a page. I think we’ve all bought many things when we saw a few of the enticing bullets that were presented.
You also need a great way to introduce your bullets. Bullet introductions are a perfect vehicle for NLP Language Patterns such as embedded commands, presuppositions, and binds.
Here now is a bulleted list of bulleted list introductions:
★ Here’s a brief/small list/sample of what you’ll get/receive/learn:
★ Below is a list/are a few of the tools/benefits you’ll get when you use (PRODUCT):
★ We developed these strategies/resources to help you succeed in/overcome:
★ You will need this product/my services, if you:
★ With (NAME OF YOUR PRODUCT) by your side, you will be able to:
★ How would you…?
★ Wouldn’t you like to:
★ You’ll avoid these problems:
★ Consider these benefits/features/advantages:
- I’ll throw in these # bonuses just to say “Thank you” for trying our offer:
- You’ll also get these # bonuses (value at $xx.xx) just for trying our product:
So write a list of as many benefits as you can think of for your product: the major promises, the minor benefits, the secondary gain, the hidden benefits (reasons the prospect would want the product but no want to tell anybody), etc. Put them into a bullet list and give them an introduction.
How would you like the ability to write well-crafted bullet points that not only make your advertising more readable, engaging and attractive, but also help you sell far more than you would without them?
I’ve created a new special report called, The Art of Writing Bullet Points That Sway and Coax.
This report is based on years of working with some of the most talented and persuasive people in the advertising world and direct response marketing field. And experience shows that this is the best way to master something as important as “salesmanship in print.” If this sounds like something you can benefit from, click on the following link to discover more.