• Making Your Prospects Feel They Are Special

    If you’ve been in the influence business for any length of time, you know how important it is to show “social proof”. This is where people in an unfamiliar situation will watch what other people are doing in order to make a decision. I’ve traveled to many countries around the globe and if I’m in…

  • How to Introduce a Bulleted List

    As you know, a bulleted list is a great way to sell something, especially online where most people scan a page. I think we’ve all bought many things when we saw a few of the enticing bullets that were presented. You also need a great way to introduce your bullets. Bullet introductions are a perfect…

  • 12 Hypnotic Phrases That Sell: Use Them in Your Next Campaign

      Alright, listen up. If you’re in the business of making money (and who isn’t?), then you need to understand the power of words. Not just any words, but the right words. The kind that grab your prospect by the lapels and make them beg to hand over their cash. Today, I’m going to give…

  • Persuasive Techniques: Create Ease/Eliminate Difficulty for Your Prospects

    People are lazy. But you already knew that. Anything that can make your ad easier to read and easier to act upon is what you want. As you also know, people would rather have something done for them than do it themselves. So if there is any way you can make your product or service…

  • How to Write a Speech That’s Incredibly Compelling Using Nested Loops

    Whether it’s a best man speech, a graduation speech, or a business presentation, you’re probably going to have to give at least one speech in your life. Here’s a way to make it very persuasive: Who is your audience? What is the main idea you want them to walk away with? What state(s) do you…

  • How to Write Persuasive Advertising for Food (Part 3)

    Welcome back to our delectable journey into the art of persuasive food advertising. In the first parts, we explored the foundational elements of menu psychology and the powerful impact of sensory-rich words, health and diet descriptors, nostalgic phrases, geographic identifiers, and brand names. Now, in Part Three, we’re going to dive deeper, adding more advanced…

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This is how it all started…

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sed fringilla velit, eget pulvinar lacus. Nulla risus nunc, accumsan eget eros eu, finibus efficitur leo. Fusce eget vehicula est, ac auctor augue. Praesent tincidunt non nulla eu aliquet. Mauris libero nisl, pellentesque et consectetur vitae, pulvinar eget massa. Quisque non pharetra ex. Nam quis ipsum luctus, consectetur elit nec, interdum justo. Vivamus ac cursus purus. Pellentesque in justo mauris. Vivamus vitae imperdiet nisl. Ut eget leo sollicitudin, rutrum est id, sagittis turpis.

Quisque iaculis rhoncus sem et elementum. Nullam non ante consequat, aliquet sapien at, tincidunt elit. Aliquam pharetra lobortis lorem, ac scelerisque metus pretium quis. Maecenas vitae dui vel tellus viverra tincidunt in et quam. Aliquam sed urna id lacus tempor mollis vel nec nisi. Phasellus sed urna nec ligula egestas accumsan sed eu ante. Mauris sit amet nisi lorem. Curabitur feugiat ante sed eros tincidunt, ac facilisis enim iaculis. Nulla sodales ac lectus sit amet dictum. In volutpat urna vel leo egestas sagittis. Praesent ornare vulputate massa, non bibendum libero egestas in. Suspendisse semper, ante et faucibus aliquam, risus ligula bibendum eros, id varius lacus eros nec leo. Sed sit amet nibh in lorem ornare congue. Mauris nec massa auctor, interdum erat vitae, tristique tortor. Aliquam accumsan nec velit ut volutpat.

William Smith

Writer & Journalist